PS5: Sony envisages adding new studios to boost the PlayStation 5 offering

Sony is considering acquiring new video game studios with the intention of strengthening the exclusive PlayStation 5 title catalogue, a strategy that has already worked with the PS4. The company knows that this console will be key to its success. Therefore, they want to have the broadest possible catalogue of games. To achieve this, the company is planning to purchase studios that will develop games to make more games available.

Sony acquisition of new studio for offering plenty of games

PS5, Sony envisages adding new studios to boost the PlayStation 5 offering

In an interview with the Japanese daily Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) mentioned that the company is considering acquiring or “merging” new studios to develop exclusive titles on its platforms. The executive has not explicitly mentioned PS5, but it is clear that it would do so to strengthen the library of its next hardware.

PS5 (Playstation 5) Vs. PS4 (Playstation 4) Improvements

Sony is aware that delivering content has become very important to users. It’s more important than ever, so the company is working hard to provide users with a comprehensive game catalogue for PlayStation 5 so that there are games of all kinds that appeal to all audiences. They know it’s one of the keys to beating Xbox.

The statements by the CEO are in line with the recent report in the Wall Street Journal, which states that PlayStation 5 will focus on offering large productions (Triple A) for hardcore players.

So it wouldn’t be surprising if we knew more about a company acquisition or merger in the coming weeks. They’re already working on it, so the console will come on the market with plenty of games available.

Apart from boasting about the technical performance of PlayStation 5, which will be launched in the last quarter of 2020, people in Japan know that they needed a broad range of games to attract consumers, as this strategy has already worked perfectly with the PS4. For this reason, the company is considering acquiring new development studios.

It is speculated that with this console Sony would be relying on large productions for its games. While indie games would be in the background, many options would be available. For the moment, the company has not responded to these comments. We will be on the lookout for possible acquisitions or mergers on your part.