PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will use ray tracing enabled second generation AMD Radeon RDNA GPUs?

In recent days we have had the opportunity to confirm that Xbox Scarlett will be equipped with hardware for raytracing, important and interesting news that leads us to believe that PS5 will do the same. The reason is very simple and is that it would be a “suicide” for Sony to leave the competition alone and forego this technology.

Some of our readers may not think it’s such a big deal but remember what happened to PS4 and Xbox One. From the start, it was clear that the former was more powerful than the latter, and that led it to attract more consumer interest and win the “war” on the current generation of consoles.

We will pay attention to what new technologies PS5 and Xbox Scarlett include to ” harness ” the raytracing, but in any case it is important that its application is limited, i.e. it will start from the same base that we have seen at the moment and only be applied to improve concrete aspects in games, such as the reflections and the effects of light and shadow.

As we said back then, this data practically confirms that PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will be equipped with a second-generation Radeon RDNA graphics processor, as this architecture will have hardware for raytracing. In the attached image, extracted from an AMD roadmap, we see that this was indeed the great development that Sunnyvale had programmed for its next generation of graphics solutions.

That’s good news because it suggests that raytracing technology will eventually become the standard and that NVIDIA’s prediction that the first game with such binding technology will arrive in 2023 was not only fulfilled but could even be expected.