Persistence AR: a revolution for augmented reality

Augmented Reality is progressing slowly, but its technology could soon take a big step forward. One company is working on the next big step in this technology: AR persistence.

If augmented reality has great potential, it has not yet reached its best level. Several elements can be improved and problems must always be solved. Jido Maps has tackled one of them: AR persistence. This project could really revolutionize the augmented reality market while it’ still in its infancy.

Persistence AR: an important step for the future of augmented reality

The concept of AR persistence is very simple. The idea is to preserve a world that is represented by augmented reality, even once you have left it. For example, if you place a virtual bowl on a table, it will always be there the next time you access that universe. In summary, AR persistence consists of storing all virtual elements that you use and move during a session.

The term “protection” is used by the founders of Jido Maps. She has raised $2.1 million for her project, which is expected to achieve this ideal of the persistent AR worlds. “To have a robust and integrated augmented reality experience, you have to see things differently,” explained Mark Stauber to our TechCrunch colleagues. The managing director of Jido Maps, therefore, emphasized how important it is to “understand the structure of the space and the relationship between the objects”. In other words, it will take a lot more work to achieve effective RA persistence.

Other current projects

AR persistence is not the only important augmented reality project. Jido Maps is also working on another area: the termination of QR codes for smartphones. Today they are generally needed to enjoy the extended reality, but perhaps not for much longer. The company develops in cooperation with HappyGiant a multiplayer game without scan: QuasAR Arena. A concept that could become the norm in the not too distant future.