Opera plans to test the iOS web browser dedicated to crypto coins

Opera strives to make it easier for users to get used to working with crypto currencies and decentralized applications (DApps). With this in mind, they are now trying to do the same in iOS via an Opera Touch version after integrating the Crypto Wallet and Dapp Explorer functions into the Opera version for Android devices.

In this sense, although it has not defined a specific roadmap, Opera is drawing the attention of those users who want to be the first to use these features in Opera Touch for iOS, and for whom they are invited to register at this web address to be invited to participate in the tests.

Opera wants to open Opera Touch in iOS using what they call Web 3 and facilitate the introduction of crypto currencies by integrating their own digital wallet and distributed applications based on the Ethereum environment, since they are currently out of reach of the average user and therefore do not receive enough activity, much less compared to the activities that traditional or centralized applications receive.

With this new movement it is responding to the demands of the Ethereum community, which will be able to offer new opportunities to users who have had difficulties using its services in the hope that the next step will be for the Ethereum community itself to bring in relevant DApps.