Nintendo Switch: A backdoor in the Nvidia SoC allows you to load Homebrew, not update it

It’s always ugly to say, but when a console is pirated it gains extraordinary popularity. And this is the case with the Nintendo Switch. That has already seen how its security compromises to the point that it has already been able to load a Homebrew that it has allowed loading games in the form of ‘backup copies.’

This discovery was unveiled by the 34C3 hacker conference in Germany, demonstrating how the security of the Nintendo Switch succumbed. Also, thanks to a backdoor found in the Nvidia Tegra X1 SoC that brings the console to life. This backdoor gives access to an exploit that has been used to load Homebrew content. And from it to have access to a launcher that will allow us to charge all kinds of personal home content, in the case of the console. As it goes from games of it, emulators, or for example add applications that otherwise would not be possible.

The hackers revealed that thanks to the Nvidia Tegra X1 SoC has a lot of well-documented information and that its debugging hardware is quite affordable to acquire. So all this gave more than detailed information to hackers how to bypass part of the Security of the SMMU (System memory management unit).

Apparently, after this news, it is expected that we will soon have available for downloading everything necessary to load Homebrew on the Nintendo hybrid console. So it is to be expected that it will now gain much more popularity.

For now, they have warned, and indicate that you do not update the console above version 3.0.0. In case you do not have version 3.0.0 (you are below. But you can not upgrade that particular version, but the latest available). So, the only way to update the console to that version is to buy a physical edition of Pokkén Tournament DX. That includes the firmware update 3.0.0. Of course, many games will require higher versions. So there will be no choice but to update it and wait for future exploits.