Nintendo Labo launches a new cardboard toy kit

Nintendo Labo, Nintendo’s initiative to offer interactive experiences through the construction of cardboard toys, has launched a new kit that focuses its dynamics on vehicles.

Vehicle Kit comes with the software and a range of accessories that allow you to build a car, a submarine, and an airplane. In addition, you can use the key for the transports, with the option of playing with a companion, as you can use two controls at the same time.

This third proposal is in addition to the two previous kits, one of them to build a robot suit, as shown in detail in this article. And with the other kit, we can make different objects, such as a piano, a reed, a house, etc..

All kits have accessories and accessories to customize the details of the toys and give them a personal touch. The new kit is not yet available, but we can now take a look at the experiences Nintendo promised in the video:

As you can see in the video, you can make different combinations to try out different scenarios and games.

Vehicle Kit will be sold on September 14th for $70. We can follow your start via this link.