New version of Files Go enables faster transfers between devices

Files Go is a free application from Google for all Android devices, from version 5.0 onwards, that offers the necessary tools for users to recover storage space on their devices by removing all those obsolete files and/or that no longer serve them.

Today it has just received an interesting update that will make it even more essential for users who want to keep their devices in order, with a special focus on its feature that allows direct file sharing between devices without the need for an Internet connection.

In this sense, this feature has just released its own new tab and increases the transfer speed by four, from 125 Mbps to 455 Mbps. It should be noted that this feature makes use of WiFi connections between devices to enable such transfers.

This way, users should not use other applications if they want to transfer files to contacts near them, such as WhatsApp for example, to give a close and fairly common example.

In addition, this new version now allows you to extract files from compressed files such as .ZIP and allows the deletion of videos through the Clean tab. Note that traditionally there were the Files and Storage tabs, and from this version, there are the Clean, Navigate and the new Share tabs.

If you don’t already have Files Go, it’s still a good time to give it a try.