New design by Google Contacts with Material Theming

The Google Contacts app in Android renews its look, with a cleaner and more minimalist interface that follows the style of Material Design.

One of the things we will see is that the new design of the app combines a number of details to improve the appearance and distribution of the various elements of the interface. For example, there are new icons, fonts and the profile picture of contacts are gaining more importance.

The image change follows the footsteps of Google Maps, which took over Material Theming a few months ago, with a completely new approach. The changes manifest themselves only in the design so we can’t find any changes in the dynamics of the app and no new functions are added.

According to AP, this update can already be seen in the APK and will soon be extended to all users via Google Play. On the other hand, the Google team reminded that the contact feature integrated into Gmail is no longer available in the new version and will soon remove it from the classic version interface.

Users who want to view contacts from their desktop must do so via Google Applications in their web browser or simply via This applies both to those with G-Suite accounts and to all other users.


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