Lynq, a device to locate the rest of our group members

If you’ve ever tried to reach your friends at music festivals or in the middle of a mountain route, you’ll be aware of how complicated it can be. Although there are applications to share our location with, they are not as accurate in remote locations or with large numbers of people. In addition, we depend on the mobile devices of the members of the group to have a battery and a stable connection to the Internet. Today we’re talking about Lynq, a locator device that seeks funding at Indiegogo and leaves all these requirements aside.

Lynq, a device to locate the rest of our group members

Undoubtedly, one of the reasons why Lynq has generated such high interest is that it works so easily. Specifically, the device is designed to connect two or more people in a matter of seconds. To start taking advantage of its advantages we just need to link our Lynq with the other devices of the group members and we will immediately be aware of the distance that separates us.

As you can see in the video below, Lynq will show us the direction to follow and the distance that separates us from our colleagues on a small electronic ink screen. To do this, the device uses GPS technology to operate and has a range of up to 5km. In addition, it works in groups of up to 12 people and has an autonomy of 3 days.

At this point, it is interesting to note that Lynq works without the need to connect to a smartphone, does not require WiFi or any kind of network and does not require us to pay a monthly subscription fee. In addition, it is possible to set perimeters and receive alerts in case a group member gets too far away, an ideal feature if you have children or pets.

The device has generated extremely high interest among users of the crowdfunding platform, which is why 250,000 of the 75,000 dollars requested have already been raised. In terms of price, it is possible to book a two-unit pack of Lynqs from $154 as a special offer for those who collaborate with the funding campaign. Next, we’ll leave you with the video: