KasperskyOS 11-11 A Micro Kernel-Based OS For Complete Security of Data

KasperskyOS , Kaspersky announces its own OS, focusing on defense against various threats. Such as data leakage due to cyber attacks on 20th February 2017.

 New KasperskyOS have a code name as 11-11. Kaspersky company engineers have worked solid 14 years to form that operating system. Previously Kaspersky introduces switches with new OS for enhanced security.

Micro Kernal-base security operates efficiently in this new KasperskyOS.  It separates security domains for avoiding data interchange impact between applications. Labels indicating the nature of security links to hardware and applications. And access to resources can is prohibited without labels. So this adds extra security to the system data.

OS 11-11 ARM and IoT

 The security setting is stored in securely protected memory. And access of data other than trusted service is impossible in this new OS. Security policy is included as an independent set for each application. New OS also supports POSIX, that is an interface standard of the application to enhance compatibility between applications and hardware.

KasperskyOS For IoT and ARM?

 New OS has a 32/64 bit version for x86 architecture. And the operation requirement is that the CPU for Pentium II or higher. The memory is 8 MB or more. Realtek RTL 8139 or Intel i 82580 is specified as the LAN chip. There is also ARM version, here CPU is ARMv7 or higher, memory is more than 8MB.

This provides maximum flexibility and efficiency in tailoring the system for the specific needs of a particular deployment, while maintaining the verifiability of its security properties.

 According to Eugene Kaspersky ‘s official blog of the company, KasperskyOS is going for presentation as a project. It is not a standalone product, and it seems that KasperskyOS is offered in cooperation with vendors and developers working on embedded and automation systems. More detials and download please refer to source link below.
