Intel processor at 10 nm, should AMD worry?

Intel uses 14 nm for the production of almost all of its processors. However, the firm is working to master the 10 nm. Tech Insights analyzed this new manufacturing process. The conclusions are promising. Despite its vitality, AMD must prepare to meet strong resistance.

The evolution of processors requires the development of architectures and the mastery of ever finer engraving. Intel has been working on this issue for quite some time on 10 nm. If difficulties are encountered, progress is made and it is even now possible to have a foretaste through the Core i3-8121U.

This chip was analyzed by Tech Insights using documents from Intel and Anandtech.

Intel 10nm processor, potential

This FinFet 10 nm etching process has potential, a lot of potentials. The most important announcement concerns transistor density. It is likely to jump by a factor of 2.7 compared to the current 14 nm. In concrete terms, Intel would be able to accommodate no less than 100.8 million transistors per mm². Such a feat would allow future processors to embed 12.8 billion transistors.