A benchmark of the Intel Core i9-12900K processor under Cinebench R23 in multicore mode has leaked out and is quite interesting. This processor performs better than the AMD Ryzen 5000 series according to this synthetic benchmark.
Excellent performance of the Intel Core i9-12900K processor in Cinebench R23
The new Intel Alder Lake processors offer many new features, especially in terms of design. These new processors feature powerful cores (P-cores) with smaller, highly efficient cores (E-cores). If the system does not consume many resources, for example, in the office or multimedia area, the E-Cores work. When we activate a game, photo editing software or other software that consumes a lot of resources, the P-cores are activated.
Now a benchmark of the Intel Core i9-12900K processor under the Cinebench R23 software in multicore mode has surfaced. This processor achieves 30,549 points, which is a very good result. The AMD Threadripper 2990W scores 30,054 points and the Ryzen 9 5950X scores around 28,000 points to give an impression. It should be noted that Intel’s new processor uses DDR5 RAM.
We should point out that there are doubts about the accuracy of the Core i9-12900K benchmark. The reason is that we haven’t seen any pictures of a CPU-Z with an Alder Lake processor so far. The screenshot shows a processor configuration of “8+8 cores”. This information would be correct, as the CPU-Z software displays hybrid processors like the Intel Alder Lake that way.
The strangest thing about the images is that the boost frequency is 5.3 GHz when the processor is idle and the voltage is 0.648 V. Note that the CPUID data seems to match the already known Alder Lake core data.
Unfortunately, the single-core performance of this processor has not leaked yet. According to previous leaks, the Core i9-12900K can exceed 2,000 points in single-core mode, which no other processor has managed so far.
Not only data about the processor has been leaked, but also about other components used. Theoretically, a Gigabyte Z690 AORUS Ultra motherboard was used for these tests. This motherboard offers support for PCIe 5.0 and DDR5 @ 5200MHz RAM in a quad-channel configuration. It should be noted that each DDR5 memory module has two 32-bit memory channels, not just one 64-bit memory channel like DDR4 memory.
As for the Core i9-12900K processor, it should be noted that it has 8 high-efficiency cores and 8 high-performance cores. Powerful processors are those with HyperThreading, which means that these processors have 24 threads (16+8). Also, thanks to Thermal Velocity Boost, only two cores can reach 5.3 GHz.
Core K processors are expected to be launched in the coming weeks, i.e. before the end of the year. The remaining regular processors of the Core family are expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2022. There is no information about the processors for laptops, but they should also appear in the first quarter of 2022.