Intel recently launched the tenth generation of Comet Lake S core processors for desktop computers. The flagship of the series, the 10-core i9-10900K processor with 10 cores and 20 wires, can reach 5.3GHz with a single core as standard, and all cores reach 4.9GHz.
Intel Core i9-10900K reaches 5.4 GHz on all cores
However, this does not mean that better frequencies cannot be achieved manually, and they have done so. The screenshot shows that the i9-10900K can be overclocked at 5.4 GHz with a voltage of 1.35 V on all 10 physical cores and has successfully passed the CineBench R15 test with 3002 points.
This is roughly equivalent to the performance of the 12-core 24-core Ryzen 9 3900X and exceeds the performance of the previous generation 16-core 32-core 1950X thread puller.
The motherboard for this test is the ASRock Phantom Gaming 4/AX, and the memory is the 16GB DDR4-3200 CL14 chipset, although it is not clear what type of dissipation was used for the test, if it is air or liquid, the most likely is the second option.
It seems that these frequencies will be the maximum that can be achieved with the i9-10900K using traditional methods and a good motherboard. It also seems clear that some of the chips are already in circulation among the lucky few and technology sites for the first reviews.
The tenth generation of Intel Core will be available on May 20. We will keep you informed.