Intel completes design of a 17 qubit superconductor chip for quantum computing

Today, Intel announced the delivery of a Superconductor test chip of 17 Qubit for quantum computing to QuTech, Intel’s quantum research partner in the Netherlands.

The new chip was manufactured by Intel and features a unique design for improved performance. The delivery of this chip demonstrates the rapid progress. That Intel and QuTech are taking in the research and development of a functional quantum computing system.

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Quantum computing, in essence, is the ultimate in parallel computing. Also, that comes with the potential to address problems that conventional computers can not handle. For example, quantum computers can simulate nature. And thereby advance chemistry, materials science, and molecular modeling research. Such as helping create a new catalyst to sequester carbon dioxide, create a superconductor at room temperature, or discover new medicines.

17 qubit New Design

Thus, regarding size, considering that packaging of a chip has the dimensions of a half dollar coin, the new design of the test chip of 17 qubits stands out for having:

A modern architecture that improves reliability and thermal performance and reduces radio frequency (RF) interference between qubits.

A scalable interconnect plan that allows between 10 and 100 times more signals were entering and leaving the chip compared to chips with interconnection cables.

Some processes, advanced materials, and designs that allow adaptation to package Intel to quantum integrated circuits, which are much higher than those of conventional silicon chips.

Also, the Intel chip for quantum computing has unique features that improve connectivity and electrical and thermomechanical performance.

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“Our quantum research has progressed to allow our partner QuTech to simulate the workloads of quantum algorithms. And Intel to make new qubit test chips,” said Michael Mayberry, vice president and general manager, Intel Labs.

“Intel’s expertise in manufacturing, control electronics and architectures differentiates us. And provides us with great help in moving into new computing paradigms, from neuromorphic to quantum computing.”

However, despite many experimental advances and speculations, there are inherent challenges in building viable, large-scale quantum systems that produce accurate results. Making qubits, the building blocks of quantum computing livery and stable is one such barrier.

17 qubit Features

The qubits are incredibly fragile: any noise or vibration can cause unintended data loss. This fragility requires that they operate at about 20 millikelvin, 250 times colder than deep space. This extreme operating environment makes qubits packaging key to performance and performance. The Intel Component Research (CR) Group in Oregon and the Arizona Testing and Technology Development (ATTD) teams in Arizona are pushing the borders of chip design and packaging technology to address the unique challenges of quantum computing.

17 qubit Intel and QuTech Partnership

The collaborative relationship between Intel and QuTech began in 2015. Since then, collaboration has achieved many milestones: from the demonstration of fundamental circuit blocks to an integrated cryogenic CMOS control system, to the development of a manufacturing flow of one “Spin qubit” in a 300mm manufacturing process by Intel, developing this unique packaging solution for qubits in superconductors.

Through this partnership, design time and manufacturing have greatly accelerated.

Is this closer to what we think of quantum computing?

