Here’s what you need to do to get your deleted photos back in Telegram quickly

Telegram is an instant messaging application that has undoubtedly grown in strength over the last few years and has been winning over WhatsApp, who before it appeared was the leader in messaging. We have recently read how this application has been blocked in several countries, such as Iran, Afghanistan and even in the very country that developed it, Russia, but it is not because it is flawed but rather because it is a strength in terms of data protection.

This application has become renowned for its immense qualities or characteristics. Among them we can mention the fact that it allows you to create conversations that are destroyed at any given moment, group conversations, play music while talking with your friends and the most recent one, having several accounts in the same application, among others.

Now, one option that the application doesn’t bring is to recover deleted files, and we don’t mean those images that you delete directly, but rather those conversations that contain certain information within them. But don’t worry, there are two ways to recover these files.

Here are the options for recovering deleted photos from Telegram
If you didn’t know, when we install Telegram, the application automatically creates a folder for you on the memory card or in the internal storage called “Telegram Images”, that’s where all the shared files will be stored, and even if you delete the conversation, the files will be found there. This is one of the most commonly used methods, although not everyone notices the existence of this folder. Did you know that already?

Another option we bring you is to search for your files in the “Cache” folder if it is less known than the previous one, and it is found no more and no less than in the micro SD card of your device. All you have to do is locate the “Android” -> “Data” folder and once inside it, you will find the “org.telegram” folder, where you will see all the files that have been deleted.

Nothing complicated, right? With these easy options, you will be able to recover in a matter of seconds those photos or files that you gave up lost.