Google Clock joins Spotify to select your favorite themes as a mobile phone alert

Now your morning will be happier, thanks to a new update from Google that you will surely love. Google Clock is integrated with Spotify, which means that it allows us to change the sound of the Google Alarm Clock and place some of your favorite songs from this streaming service on it.

As announced by Google in its blog, since July 31 all users with Android 5.0 or higher and Spotify Free or Premium Accounts can use the topics in their Spotify list as an alarm tone. In addition, the blog highlights that for the pleasure of this integration, we must have updated both applications:

Today you can wake up your favorite music on Spotify using the Google Clock application. Change the classic alarm sounds for your favorite song, a soothing soundtrack or a mood-lifting melody.
To start with music alerts, make sure the latest versions of your Spotify and clock applications are installed and connected to your device; this works for both free and premium Spotify users.

Once we have updated our Google Clock, we can assign our Spotify account.

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Then a new tab “Spotify” will appear next to the classical tones, where you can select the music you want to listen to every morning, and from now on it will be the music you repeat all day long.

In this new tab, we not only see the latest songs played and selected but also a playlist with song recommendations that will help us get up more energetically.

Then choose your perfect music to wake up to. You can search for recently played music, select from Spotify’s colored playlists, or search for a specific soundtrack.

But it is not the only innovation we will see around the Google Clock application, as the company has announced that it will also integrate YouTube Music.