Google Chrome 67 available for download. What is new?

Google Chrome 67 is the latest update of the world’s most popular browser. The program has been supported for new APIs. Google has also corrected a number of security issues. Chrome 67 got a total of 34 different patches on gaps, including those related to Spectre.

Google Chrome 67 available for download. What is new?

Google Chrome 67 is now available. The giant from Mountain View made her browser available a few weeks after her beta tests had started. This release of the program includes support for new APIs and quite a number of safety-related improvements. For dessert, there is a new abbreviation for emotions.

Chrome 67 is supported by WebXR Device API and Generic Sensor API. The latter interface allows access to a gyroscope, accelerometer or motion sensors of the device. Google has also patched 34 different security bugs. The availability of the Site Isolation Trial was also extended. This solution is designed to protect against the Spectre threat.

There is also a flag in Chrome 67 that allows you to enable a shortcut for emotion. To do this, activate the chrome://flags/#enable-emoji-context-menu flag and restart the program. In the context menu, you will then find a new option called Emotions and symbols.

Chrome 67 is now available in our Download section. Of course, the current release of the browser is important, but to ensure security and your own data, it is worth investing in a security package. You can look around for offers from Symantec, ESET or G Data.