GFXBench 5.0 is available, New Aztec Ruins Test for GPU

The GFXBench benchmark comes in version 5 and its developer announces a new test called Aztec Ruins. It is based on the Vulcan API.

GFXBench 5.0 is now available for download. This application is a benchmark utility. It tests the performance of a graphics solution. One of its strengths is the support of multiple platforms from Android to iOS via Windows and MacOS. The application is available in several variants.

This new version offers the Aztec ruins test. It relies on Vulkan API support for Android and Windows and Metal for iOS and MacOS. Aztec Ruins is also available with OpenGL ES 3.1, DirectX 11 and 12. In the details, you can run this benchmark on Windows by selecting the API and the various tests. You will find OpenGL, DirectX 11 and 12 and of course Vulkan.

The download is quite fast, but the installation requires the transfer of just over 600 MB of data. The interface prompts you to select the API.


We chose 1440p Aztec ruins volcano (High Tier) and 1080p Aztec ruins (Normal Tier) under the OpenGl API, then DirectX 12 and finally volcano.