How to fix your computer when the screen freezes

One of the most frustrating situations, when you use a computer, is when the system freezes, causes a computer failure and forces you to restart, with the addition that you lose all the work you have done. This problem can be due to many factors, all of which you can correct. You may not know what is causing the freeze until you diagnose it, try to fix it and try all the different possible options.

How to fix your computer when the screen freezes

Remove excess programs and files from your computer’s hard drive. If it is close to its maximum capacity, it is more likely that your computer will freeze when trying to find information inside it. Delete any program that you no longer use and files that are outdated and no longer work. Click on “Start,” open the “Control Panel” and select “Add or Remove Programs.” This way you can eliminate those programs that you no longer use.

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Compare your computer with the requirements of the program you are using when the computer freezes. The system requirements are on the packaging of the program. To see what program you are running on your computer click on “Start,” “Control Panel” and finally “System.” If your computer hardware is not up to date, you should do so so that the program you use does not generate this problem.

Run an antivirus on your computer. Also, the virus can be a cause of this situation. If you do not have a program installed, you can go to or, because they offer a lot of free or low-cost antivirus on their download pages (go to Resources). Once you have, it installed, enter the scanning option to remove all the viruses that the software detects.

Search for updates on your computer. Windows may not be entirely up to date, and this may be causing problems. Go to “Start” in the bar below, then “Control Panel” and “Immediate Update”; then click on “Automatic.” The computer will connect to the Windows server (without having to load the Internet browser) and look for updates. If you find any, you will have to click on the message that appears for the update. So, after this, you have to follow the steps to install it and restart your computer.