The first installment of Magic Leap was distributed to the chosen clients

Magic Leap is a long-announced set of glasses for augmented and virtual reality. The aim of this project was to revolutionize the virtual reality and smartphone market. Though not everything went as expected, the goggles are slowly reaching their first customers. The Bloomberg service has just arrived at reports that the first batch of Magic Leap is already on the market.

The first installment of Magic Leap was distributed to the chosen clients

The newsletter from Bloomberg shows that it reached the people involved in the shipment of Magic Leap. The service says that a small group of software developers have just received their first Magic Leap test copies. Because the issue is very secret, these selected partners have to keep the glasses on the lock. The spokesperson for Magic Leap confirmed that a number of copies had been sent to designers and that more distribution would follow.

What can Magic Leap really do? This is unknown to this day. As you can see, there was already an SDK, but the company only showed its equipment in a controlled environment with numerous confidentiality clauses. The only thing that reaches the media is the very general impression of using glasses.

The Magic Leap system, first introduced in December last year, consists of three components: an AR goggle, a backpack with a management unit and a motion controller. At the moment it is not known when Magic Leap will officially appear on the market. It is going to cost about as much as a premium computer.