Digital marketing in 2018, 5 facts you should know

The move that digital marketing has had in recent months has been brutal. With companies investing more resources in online marketing strategies, the competition is getting tougher and the statistics show this.

2018 is making giant strides in marketing compared to previous years. And to clarify the picture, a number of figures have been released from eMarketer, a company dedicated to digital data research. Here are the numbers to keep in mind about the digital market for the current year.

Number 1: Tags or hashtags are at the top of the posts and can help more people see the content presented if the number of tags is not exceeded. For example, it is recommended to use 10 or fewer tags on a photo or video on Instagram, while on Twitter you should only use 2 hashtags.

Number 2: Teenagers are now more likely to buy a smartphone. According to the latest study, up to 95% of teenagers have or can afford a smartphone. Compared to 2015, when only 73% of this market could be accessed, there has been a significant increase and a couple of points could be seen for the coming months.

Number 3: Today, 85% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 use YouTube, while Instagram has a 72% share and Snapchat 69%.

Number 4: 3.8 billion people, that’s the number of users using email in 2018. In this sense, this communication tool should be given priority for digital marketing strategies.

Figure number 5: Mobile advertising amounted to $105.948 billion in 2017, but is expected to increase to $132.304 billion by 2018. You’ll also see an increase in the world of mobile games and applications, a sector that is rising like foam globally.