Death Stranding listing for PS4 games is intentionally or erroneously removed

Death Stranding is a great project that Hideo Kojima holds in his hands. The mythical developer responsible for games like Metal Gear and Snatcher has given shape to a somewhat cryptic title that promises to mark a turning point and become a benchmark in the world of video games.

Its availability was confirmed for November 8th, only for the end of this year, and everything seemed to indicate that it would be an exclusive product for PS4-PS4 Pro, which could have changed as Death Stranding has disappeared from the console’s list of exclusive titles.

Death Standing listing for PS4 games is intentionally or erroneously removed

Death Standing is removed from PS4 game listing

It’s not clear whether this is a mistake or an intention. We know that Hideo Kojima wants to bring Death Stranding to the PC, so it’s likely that he finally renegotiated with Sony to release the game as an exclusive temporary PS4 product, or directly decided to bring it to both PS4 and PC at the same time without waiting.

We’ll have to wait and see if the situation clears up in the next few days, but the most interesting thing is that Death Stranding will end up reaching both PC and PS4, either in a simultaneous release or when the temporary exclusivity in favor of Sony’s new generation console expires.