Credo, a project so that we can put notes to people, as in Black Mirror

In credo 360 we have a project that wants to help people have a visible reputation on the Internet. So, it is something that could solve several problems in the world of e-commerce.

It is a platform in which each person can register and verify their identity by associating accounts in social networks. As it interacts with other people, it modifies its score. It is an indicator of credibility that is measured in the scale of 0 to 360, based on three components:

The identity component, which measures how much confidence we have in knowing that you are who we say we are. This variable increases in value when we complete the fields of the profile, send documentation or associate social networks.

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Also, for the confirmations component, which depends on the number and reputation of the people who are willing to answer for us. The more people we have in our Circle of Trust, the better our reputation will be.
The comment component, which has the most significant impact on the score, as it is based on the ratings. And comments, we receive from other users. The more consistent and confident the qualifications, the higher the Credo score.

The launch of mobile apps will be in a few weeks. Although everything seems to indicate that it will not be as exaggerated as what we saw in the famous episode of Black Mirror in which people posted notes to anyone they found on the street.
