Control releases Expeditions, a new free game mode on PS4, Xbox One and PC

Remedy’s title was awarded yesterday with the best artistic director at The Game Awards. Is control complete and are you looking for new challenges? You’re in luck because Remedy has just updated the game with Expedition Mode, where players who have completed the latest title by authors Alan Wake and Max Payne can access new challenges on the threshold.

Users will receive rewards based on the expertise they demonstrate in the challenges. They can trade their thresholds for new rare mods and powerful materials that will allow Jesse, who will also receive a new suit, to create new elements. The mode was released with a new pendant.

The Remedy game arrived on August 27 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It was one of the winners of The Game Awards 2019 and won the prize for the best art direction. Don’t hesitate to consult Control’s analysis to find out what’s behind one of the most successful games of the year.