After the Ryzen CPUs, AMD is preparing everything to launch its Raven Ridge APUs. The new chips will combine the modern architecture of the Zen CPU with the new Vega GPU architecture. Before AMD starts the new chips, they are setting everything up on the motherboards, and that’s why AMD provides support for Raven Ridge beta in the next update AGESA
AGESA is an essential micro-code, which controls the memory and compatibility of the processor. The various updates of AGESA have significantly improved things for Ryzen so far.
AMD AGESA makes Raven Ridge support comfortable
with AGESA
Also, AMD is changing the structure of AGESA, and the implementation of new CPUs will be more straightforward in the future. That means support for the Raven Ridge APUs, and the 2nd Ryzen Gene CPUs, with Pinnacle Ridge.
AMD Radeon Pro WX 9100 with Vega chip
Hopefully, this will mean a flawless launch for Raven Ridge. With AMD adding support for this APU, the release should come soon. Some early indications pointed to a start in the next few months. With Zen and Vega, Raven Ridge should be the most powerful APU.
Let’s hope it lives up to the high expectations.