Currently, security researchers are trying to find a solution to prevent Petya Ransomware attacks. There are many countries under attack. Here is all about Petya Ransomware. How to prevent, identify and protect your PC from Petya Ransomware.
Pokémon GO continues without haste, but without pause, strengthening its augmented reality game among its staunchest fans. After the first avalanche, which meant that half the world was thrown into the street, almost without a specific direction, hunting for exotic creatures, the Nintendo and Niantic game continues step by step correcting failures and problems and updating their mechanics, introducing … Read more
Those who use macOS know that the native Notes application is useful, whether it’s to make a short shopping list, make a quick note, or even to help in teamwork by sharing a note with others. But in addition to that, in the MacOS Notes application, it’s possible to keep individual floating notes on top … Read more
Google Assistant or Google Assistant is, to Android, what Siri represents for iPhone: a virtual assistant that we can go to make our lives easier. Direct us: we talk to him and he, or she, answer us. That easy. Google Assistant is configured in such a way that just by saying ‘Ok Google’ we can now request a large number … Read more
Currently, security researchers are trying to find a solution to prevent Petya Ransomware attacks. There are many countries under attack. Here is all about Petya Ransomware. How to prevent, identify and protect your PC from Petya Ransomware.
It is not necessary to deny that of all the categories of available games, those of thematic and with options for 2 or more players appear like one of the best thanks to which it allows that friends and relatives are interned in lands to compete for being the best within Delivery. 5 awesome multiplayer … Read more
Word artificial intelligence correction for advanced styles from Microsoft. Microsoft has added a test version of Word from one of the package Office 365 . The new feature is just a function that is based on artificial intelligence.
Word artificial intelligence correction
Find out Best Cardboard / VR Helmets for Mobiles / Smartphones. The Cardboard headsets offer an affordable price, compatibility extended to all smartphones, and above all unlimited mobility. Wireless and unrestrained, these VR headphones allow the public to immerse themselves in virtual reality at any time to enjoy an extensive catalog of applications. However, of the many VR Cardboard headphones that … Read more
WattUp, RF wireless power transfer, allows you charge and power your electronics up to 5 meters. With WattUp the future of the digital world will drive to new uncountable possibilities in electronics and computer science technologies. Recently, the highly integrated power management, AC / DC power conversion, charging and Bluetooth low-power technology provider Dialog Semiconductor and Energous jointly launched the next generation of RF wireless charging solution WattUp.
HoloLens is an augmented reality headset developed by Microsoft. Unlike VR headsets like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, this device is not obscuring. Its screen does not cover the user’s field of vision but adds virtual elements to reality through a transparent visor. Still reserved for developers and professionals, the HoloLens already has more than 150 applications, … Read more
When searching using the onboard function, Windows 10 does not the only search locally on the computer, but also on the Internet. If you do not need this feature, for example, because you only want to find terms in your own documents, you can disable it in version 1803 (April 2018 update). Microsoft function updates … Read more