Street Fighter is a popular fighting game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The franchise was first released in 1987 and has since become one of the most iconic and well-known fighting game franchises in the world.
Street Fighter games are known for their fast-paced, strategic gameplay, as well as their diverse cast of characters each with their unique fighting styles and special moves. The franchise has been praised for its tight controls and balanced gameplay, as well as its deep roster of characters and rich lore.
Street Fighter games have been released on a variety of platforms over the years, including arcade machines, home consoles, and mobile devices. The franchise has been a staple of the fighting game genre for over three decades and has inspired countless other fighting games and franchises.
In addition to the main Street Fighter games, the franchise has also spawned a number of spin-off games, including the Street Fighter Alpha and Street Fighter III series, as well as several crossover games featuring characters from other Capcom franchises.
Overall, Street Fighter is a highly regarded and influential franchise that has had a significant impact on the fighting game genre and the video game industry as a whole. Whether you are a fan of fighting games or just looking for a classic and challenging experience, Street Fighter is definitely worth checking out.
Remember that mysterious CAPCOM countdown that had us all speculating? Well, it’s finally come to an end, and it’s finally done what most of us were imagining: The company has finally officially announced Street Fighter 6, with a brief teaser trailer that you can watch below:
This announcement comes six years after the release of Street Fighter 5 on PS4 and PC, and now we finally have a decent look at the new direction the series is taking. Developed with the new RE Engine, the game looks like it will be the most graphically complex yet.
While CAPCOM hasn’t revealed many details about Street Fighter 6, a brief new teaser trailer has revealed some preliminary information about the game, including – at the very least – that we’ll have Ryu and Street Fighter 5 newcomer Luke in the lineup.
Sadly, we don’t know anything else, and according to the company, we’ll have to wait until June-July for more information. What we do know is that the switch to the RE Engine has been very flattering for Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter; let’s hope it has the same effect on Street Fighter.
Sadly, those who were hoping to see a remake of Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 4 will probably not be so happy with this announcement, though they shouldn’t give up hope. 2022 is just getting started, so maybe we’ll see them in the next few months. At least we have the official announcement of Street Fighter 6 and that’s better than nothing. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that everything goes well and we’ll have more news soon.
What about you guys, what do you think of this Street Fighter 6 news, are you eager to know more about the game? Source: VG247