An artificial intelligence detects a false work of art from a single brushstroke

It is not the first time that we talk about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). That has many applications and uses in sectors as different as computer science, medicine, transport, and journalism. Today we talk to you about an artificial intelligence capable of finding out if a work of art is false.

An artificial intelligence detects a false work of art from a single brushstroke

In particular, the system we are talking about is responsible for analyzing the different lines that make up a work of art. As its creators say, the precision of AI developed is such that it could identify a work of false art of another true one. That is true with only analyzing a single brushstroke, which reveals its potential.

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To achieve this, the team of Rutgers University responsible for the feat. And the Study of Restoration and Research of Paintings of the Netherlands made the AI analyze in depth the drawings and paintings of different famous artists. Thanks to the potential of technology and a neural network, the AI learned the unique characteristics. That define each painter, managing to distinguish between an original work and a copy in an instant.

Undoubtedly, it is a feat with enormous potential, especially if we take into account that even an expert would have problems when it comes to ensuring the authenticity of different works of art. Even so, it is essential to keep in mind that the AI only works when the strokes are very marked. As always, we will remain attentive to the evolution of the project.

Source: Technology Review.