Beat Saber: The best tips and tricks

Beat Saber is currently on everyone’s lips and suddenly every nerd wants to move to the rhythm of virtual reality. Sounds quite casual, but Beat Saber can actually be extremely demanding when trying to get an S-award in the higher levels of difficulty. With our tips and tricks, you will also succeed in this trick.

Flow and point system

If you think a robot arm would be unbeatable in Beat Saber, we have to be disappointed. The developers of Beat Saber want you to feel the game and move in the flow. Accordingly, the game pays attention to whether you cut a cube with a lot of momentum before and after the hit, or whether your movement starts or ends abruptly. Long, sweeping strokes are therefore important, whereby the lightsaber must be moved at least 90 degrees (70 points) before the stroke and 60 degrees (30 points) after the stroke. However, during the cutting, you can also move the sword because here the system is tolerant. In addition, up to 10 points await the end of the game if the cubes are cut as centrally as possible.

So it is possible to get up to 110 points per cube and the precision of your shot doesn’t matter much. It is much more important to make large and sweeping movements with the lightsabers. But anyone who has played Beat Saber for a few days knows that in expert mode this system makes the game an almost unbreakable nut because here the cubes sometimes come towards you at incredibly short intervals.

Don´t Staff Me!

The tutorial by Beat Saber does not work as you would expect from a tutorial. We sent various testers through the tutorial and then started the game and always came to the same result: All test persons wanted to stab the cubes with a point in the middle. Looks cool for the audience, but doesn’t score points in Beat Saber. You also have to cut these cubes with a swinging punch. The only difference between the traditional cubes is that you can choose the page from which you want to split them.

The options are your friend

If you want to master Beat Saber on hard or extreme, you not only have to be physically fit but also have to train the track several times. In the options on the left side of the main menu, you can set the game to ignore your mistakes and make you immortal. So you shouldn’t play the game in general, but this mode can save you a lot of frustration when training because you can always train the whole stage without stopping all the time.

In addition, don’t tense up while playing and try to feel the music and flow and move to the music. The cubes are arranged and aligned so that you can theoretically “dance through” the levels. You should, therefore, trust your feelings rather than your eyes.