Artificial Intelligence capable of altering the environmental situation of the images

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Although Artificial Intelligence can disrupt this famous saying . So, thanks to the progress it is making in the digital image segment. In this sense, a group of scientists from NVIDIA has presented a paper about an Artificial Intelligence framework. They have developed AI to enable the translation of images in unsupervised images. That is altering the image environment.

Artificial Intelligence capable of altering the environmental situation of the images

Under this system have been able to achieve things. Such as changing images of areas in broad daylight to night images. And on the contrary, turn areas that look a summer situation to regions with a thorough winter view. And AI can also do the opposite, or even change an image of meteorologically cleared zones to rainy weather.

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In this way, Artificial Intelligence systems could train without having to have pairs of exact images covering different situations in each of them. That is being able to achieve much more than through the methods under supervision. In which counterparts need Exact photos of the same images in different situations. I order to check whether images with high and low quality, color and black and white, among other variables, when carrying out the workouts.

The work gets on through the scientific dissemination platform And the source code of the Artificial Intelligence framework is available on the GitHub platform.

For more information, those interested can go to the official website of the company.