Android Studio 3.0 offers support for Kotlin, Java 8 and instant applications

Those who are dedicated to the world of mobile application development will know Android Studio. And that is also one of the most popular Android programming environments. In the last hours, Google has presented the version 3.0 of the platform. That counts on a high number of improvements and some other significant innovation.

Android Studio 3.0 offers support for Kotlin, Java 8 and instant applications

Undoubtedly, the most exciting changes are the expected compatibility with Kotlin, Java 8 and Google instant applications. If we focus on the advantages of Kotlin, the programming language open-source also facilitates us the development of our requests and offers far superior performance to other words. Also, we can both start a project in Kotlin and convert a Java project already started.

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As for the rest of the news, version 3.0 of Android Studio adds support for more Java 8 libraries. Also, Android Studio now has tools to debug APKs in a more straightforward way. Also, that comes with a series of utilities with which you can measure the use of CPU, memory and network usage with the aim of improving the performance of our applications.

At this point, we can not deny the importance of the update for all those who use Android Studio 3.0. If you want to check in detail all the news and changes in this version, you can do it through the following link to the blog for Google developers. You can download Android Studio 3.0 from here.