AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 19.10.1 WHQL drivers are now available

AMD has released the 19.10.1 WHQL version of its Radeon software adrenaline driver. These are identical to the Beta Adrenalin 19.10.1 version released a few weeks ago, but now with WHQL certification from Microsoft. AMD is taking advantage of WHQL certification as more and more manufacturers choose the Radeon RX 5700 and RX 5500 cards for their pre-assembled machines.

The 19.10.1 drivers support the new Radeon RX 5500 video cards along with corrections for Borderlands 3 in DirectX 12, optimizations for GRID and corrections for specific FreeSync monitor issues.

The changelog for version 19.10.1 includes:

Support for:

  • AMD Radeon
  • RX 5500 desktop graphics products.
  • AMD Radeon RX 5500M mobile graphics products.
  • GRID.

Problems fixed:

  • Borderlands 3 could crash or hang when using the DirectX 12 API.
  • Borderlands 3 could damage the lighting when using the DirectX 12 API.
  • Displays compatible with Radeon FreeSync 2 could not enable HDR if HDR was enabled via Windows OS on Radeon RX 5700 graphics cards.
  • Some displays may blink black when Radeon FreeSync is enabled and the system is idle or on the desktop.

You can download the latest version of AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition from the official AMD website.