AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 18.3.4 Beta: Enhancements to the FFXV and support for Far Cry 5

AMD announced of its new Radeon Software Adrenalin 18.3.4 Beta graphics drivers, which only arrive to add support for the upcoming Ubisoft release, the Far Cry 5, and continue to polish a Final Fantasy XV – Windows Edition that still resists it.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 18.3.4 Beta: Enhancements to the FFXV and support for Far Cry 5

A proof of this is that they have finally solved the shine effects that came out of some trees located in specific places on the map, and it solves a severe problem that resulted in the freezing of the game or its closure unexpectedly while we play Chapter 2.

Problems to be solved, they still don’t remember Destiny 2. That still has the freezing problem when it comes to making incursions with some graphics based on the Radeon GCN1.0 architecture. And besides the fact, the game will end up having long loading times when playing for an extended period.

With Far Cry 5, there are also new graphics flickering failures when changing tabbed applications. That is true if our computer uses a Multi GPU configuration. Also, the same configuration used by miners who have been waiting for months for the company to fix system freezes when using 12x GPUs simultaneously.

You can download the AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 18.3.4 Beta from the link below.