Adobe uses artificial intelligence to detect manipulated images

Adobe shared a report on its efforts to develop a solution for detecting digital image manipulation.

While there are many tools for this purpose, they are not comprehensive and cannot be used in all settings. On the other hand, the approach proposed by Adobe, taking advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence, would allow us to quickly and reliably identify whether the image has been manipulated with Photoshop.

As detailed in the report, the exercise focuses attention on three popular manipulation techniques, such as removing objects from an image, combining parts of different photographs, or moving elements around by moving them around.

Taking these parameters into account, the AI was trained with thousands of manipulated images, so that it can detect patterns, identify the type of manipulation, and pinpoint the specific area that was modified.

For example, it looks for manipulation markers by analyzing changes in color values, noise, brightness, and any inconsistencies in the image produced by software such as Photoshop. Although they recognize that this technique is not perfect, it significantly improves detection dynamics compared to current methods.

At the moment, it is only a research project, but over time it could become a powerful tool for verifying digital content. You can see all the details of this initiative in this link.