Adobe acquires a startup Uru that uses IA to power video advertising

Adobe will end April with a new acquisition that will enhance the dynamics of its products.

Adobe acquires a startup that uses IA to power video advertising

It has acquired a startup, called Uru, that uses the potential of artificial intelligence to help brands integrate advertising into video content, without affecting the user experience, but fulfilling the purpose of their marketing strategy.

To achieve this dynamic, the software analyzes the video content and identifies when a natural pause occurs, to display ads. In addition, the AI must understand the context of the video, so that the ad (which may simply be a logo) matches the content the user is viewing.

In 2016, Uru raised $700,000 in a pre-seed fund and won a Startup Award. And last month, he was considered one of the finalists for Microsoft Venture’s Innovate.AI Global Startup.

As Uru announces in his blog, they are excited about the team’s prospects:

Today, the Uru team is pleased to announce that it will join Adobe as part of the group working on Adobe Sensei, the company’s artificial intelligence and automatic learning platform. […] There are exciting plans and new innovations from AI in the Adobe roadmap, so it’s time to get to work.