We like challenges. Mobile game fans go on the move and always try to outdo themselves, finding and playing games that require excessive eating of the head, keep nerves to the surface, immerse themselves in intricate landscapes that, more than one, would leave impossible. Here we will not talk about excellent games, or those to have a fun time and sansocabó. Here we go to the hard, to the almost impossible. To face the five most difficult games for Android phones that we found in the Google Play Store.

Taking advantage of the fact that we have available for download the curious Hammerman. In which a man stuck in a vessel must make his way through hammering and in which physics is the protagonist, let’s take a tour of five games that can bring more than a headache Do not say that we have not warned you … Beware of throwing the phone to the ground of despair.


The title already makes things very clear: ‘Get over it.’ It seems more a warning than a claim for you to start playing. Also, it contains one of the most delirious and absurd premises of the entire Android store. In Hammerman, you give life to a man, bald for more signs, who is inside a vessel. This man can only move around the land with the help of a hammer. It runs the hammer, it nails it in the ground and, prying, it moves. It seems simple, but it is not.

The game is so complicated that many game players have uploaded a demonstration, pointing out at all times how frustrating it is to face the journey of the bald lord, the vessel and the hammer.

The game only has three levels, and some people have left it as impossible at the introductory level. Four complete phases that will upset the most skilled in this type of games. If you dare, you just have to enter the Play Store and download it completely for free. The set weights 90 MB, so if you do not want to lose a valuable amount of data, try downloading it via WiFi connection.


Here the reflexes are the ones that rule. At a visual and musical level, the game is excellent. In fact, in the intro we are advised to put headphones to enjoy more of their development … or to get us out of control in Dolby Surround.

Duet mechanics are very, very simple. We handle two spheres that oscillate in synchrony and move, in turn, vertically. You will find, on your trip, solid blocks that you will have to dodge, turning to the sides, in circles. We must move the spheres: with a touch to the right of the screen, they will move to the right; with a brush to the left, they will move to that side. We must try to make the trip of the spheres in a clean way and without friction between them and the blocks.

The game consists of eight missions to which you can return whenever you want, to perfect your movements and unlock up to 25 different trophies. This if you do not finish before sick of the nerves by its extreme difficulty.

The Duet game is free, although it contains advertising that can be unlocked in its premium version, which will entitle you to play more levels. The installation file has a size of 60 MB, so you should evaluate if the download is made by WiFi or mobile data.


It may not be, as its title well indicates, the ‘most difficult game in the world’ but it is, sure, by little. It is a game with simple graphics: you are a red square that must make a path from one point to another, avoiding colliding with blue circles and, in passing, collecting yellow rings. The square you must move with your finger and here lies one of the drawbacks of the game: your hand can cover part of the screen and not see where the squares are. It will be a matter of practice … or that the game ends with your nerves.

The worst thing about World’s Hardest Game is that, after passing each level, we must wait for an announcement, so its game is not advised on mobile data. However, its installation file is very light: only 4 MB. You can download it for free, although, as we have said, it is a game that includes a lot of publicity.


Another problematic game with which to put your nerves to the test. This time, also, with the addition of the retro, the soundtrack, and the 8-bit graphics. Basically, in Super Graviton you drive a small character who is tumbling between floor and ceiling, without stopping, and through somewhat erratic controls you must avoid obstacles that appear on the screen. If you click on the right side, the doll will go to the right side and vice versa.

If you dare to play Super Graviton, you should know that the game is entirely free and has no ads or purchases inside. The game installation file is 20 MB.


Do you remember Flappy Bird? A game that created a tremendous stir within the Android community and based its success on the simplicity of its mechanism. Fantastic Thief comes to be a revamped version of the Flappy Bird but changing the funny obese bird for a thief, of which we see only its silhouette. We have to handle the thief, who escapes between blocks of flats, doing tricks in the air. With touch, we will have to make the thief not fall into the void.

If Flappy Birds was difficult, Amazing Thief is even more so, since we can take several jumps within oneself with touches on the screen. The graphics section of the game is straightforward and minimalist, and the movements of the thief are quite successful. Of course, we warn you, as in the previous games, that can get us out of control at a given moment. If you dare to try it … How many blocks will you be able to cross?

Amazing Thief is a free game although it contains advertising. Your installation file weighs only about 7 MB so you can download it without your data suffering much expense.

Are these the most difficult Android games? Try them today!