WhatsApp will pay up to $50,000 to fight false news

Fake news has become something too common. One of the easiest ways to expand them is through WhatsApp. And this is what they know from the instant messaging application. That is why they are announcing new measures, including rewards for users. In this way, users who come up with ideas to combat this false news can earn up to $50,000.

WhatsApp will pay up to $50,000 to fight false news

This is an initiative with which the application seeks to fight effectively against false news. The most useful ideas can be taken away with this award, which is sure to be a great help for young and talented entrepreneurs.

WhatsApp fights false news

Users who are interested in submitting their proposals to WhatsApp will have time for this until August 12th. So there is time to have concrete ideas about how to combat this false news. These are measures that come after the controversies that have affected Facebook and that also seek to reduce the influence and presence of false news.

WhatsApp faces one of the biggest problems is processing information. It is not easy to detect immediately which links are fake and which are not. In this sense, this is one of the company’s lines of action.

The rewards program hopes to attract many users. Especially considering the succulent rewards that the messaging application offers. So we’ll see what ideas come in to improve the application soon.