WatchThru Adding Augmented Reality With Traditional Smart Watch

A collaborative effort between research centers at the universities of Bremen, Hasselt, and Google has resulted in the creation of the WatchThru concept watch, a groundbreaking innovation in augmented reality. This traditional smartwatch incorporates a second transparent screen to achieve the effects of augmented reality, resembling the technology seen in devices like Microsoft HoloLens.

WatchThru Adding Augmented Reality With Traditional Smart Watch

The scientific research team from the University of Bremen, Hasselt, and Google has introduced the WatchThru concept watch, offering a novel approach to augmented reality. This traditional smartwatch incorporates a second transparent screen, providing an experience akin to Microsoft HoloLens.

The additional transparent screen boasts intriguing features, such as displaying a conventional map simultaneously with the traditional watch. It can offer directional indications for precise navigation to a specific location based on target location information. This includes a three-dimensional holographic arrow direction sign blinking in the designated direction, enhancing navigation accuracy.

WatchThru Special Uses in Augmented Reality?

The WatchThru concept watch is available in two versions. The simple version utilizes the Android Wear operating system, relying on the additional auxiliary screen. The more complex version integrates external tracking cameras and sensors to continuously track the watch’s location. This allows the wearer’s screen to superimpose icon imaging onto real-life surroundings, embodying the augmented reality concept. The team envisions adding an additional folding screen function in the future, which will be integrated when the extra screen is not in use, attaching seamlessly to the main screen.

It’s important to note that the device is still in the early prototype stage, and commercial availability is not expected in the near future.