VR Works Audio NVIDIA releases Audio Boost API for VR Sound Immersion

VR Works Audio new API from Nvidia for VR audio immersion. One of the main faults with the VR currently on ETR is the lack of fidelity in the audio rendering. Which remains very flat despite the rather marked 360 ° side. Indeed, the sounds are still quite unnatural and do not take care of the environment as well as the whole path that a sound wave must make to reach the human ear. So the great company takes care of this problem and find solution for us.

VR Works Audio NVIDIA releases Audio Boost API for VR Sound Immersion

VR Works Audio VR Immersion

NVIDIA has just made available VR Works Audio. So that is an API that allows to realistically calculate the sound and its propagation. This is because of usage of technology of the Ray Tracing. The latter then becomes more “rich”, more “consistent” and this greatly strengthens the immersion experience. A demonstration was also made by NVIDIA but know that the rendering is much more convincing in full virtual reality:

Developers can already integrate the audio solution into their game via the VRWorks Audio SDK. But know that NVIDIA has also released a plugin to facilitate the integration of the function for all projects running the Unreal Engine 4.15.

Download the VRWorks Audio SDK