VR Latency Testing Platform For Metering Virtual Reality Quality With VRMark From Futuremark and OptoFidelity

VR Latency Testing Platform For Metering Virtual Reality Quality and Delays With VRMark Software From Futuremark and OptoFidelity. In November last year, in VR networks there are reports for measuring quality of VR for everyone about VR HMD and Mobile devices. So one of the professional computer bench marking tool developer Futuremark releases VR test software VRMark.

VR Latency Testing Platform For Metering Virtual Reality Quality With VRMark From Futuremark and OptoFidelity

At the upcoming GDC 2017 and MWC 2017 show, the company will showcase a new VR Latency Testing Platform VRMark jointly developed with OptoFidelity for VR head and mobile devices.

  And VR Latency Testing Platform combines Futuremark’s experience in benchmarking software and OptoFidelity’s research and development in robots, detection technology, automation and hardware. The system includes VRMark and OptoFidelity VR “multimeter” header solution.

You can test out the key VR performance parameters. Such as motion delay, pixel retention and dropped frames and so on. The general design of the VR Latency Testing Platform means that it can be used for PC and mobile devices. And it also has uses in both virtual reality and enhanced reality systems.

  Although the core target of test is to measure motion delays in 3D rendering environments. And to analyze each frame to find the cause of the delay.  And VR Latency Testing Platform shows the time spent on 3D engines, VR APIs, and GPUs.

Although information in this product detailed report, the user can learn the last frame and time twist effect. So there are adjustable configuration options that help users to evaluate latency performance in different CPU and GPU loads using VR Latency Testing Platform.

VR Latency Testing Platform Comprehensive measurements and reporting

So the solution enables end-to-end measurements of key VR performance indicators.

  • Motion-to-photon latency
  • Pixel persistence
  • Frame Jerkiness and jitter
  • Dropped and duplicated frames
  • Left versus right eye frame delay
  • Audio/Video synchronization
  • Motion-to-Audio Latency
  • Frame time breakdown identifying key pipeline events
  • Study late frames and the effects of timewarp
  • Evaluate latency under different load conditions

 Jani Joki, Project Director of Futuremark says “By combining our strength, Futuremark and OptoFidelity creates such a VR Latency Testing Platform, which is an advanced solution for any challenging problem.”

 Finally Kimmo Jokinen, CTO of OptoFidelity says about the product “The partnership between OptoFidelity and Futuremark shows that shared innovative ideas and partnerships can help Finland to become a leader in the world’s VR field. There are new ways to make VR equipment manufacturers to exceed customer expectations. We are able to work on MWC and GDC. We are proud to show our technology during this period.”

  VR network will continue to focus on and report on the latest virtual reality industry trends, so stay tuned.