Vion, a smart multimeter that we can use with our smartphone

Although everything around us runs on electricity, in case there is a problem (however small) most of us don’t know enough about power to solve it. Today we’re talking about Vion, a smart multimeter that comes in to make it easy to diagnose simple electrical problems.

Vion, a smart multimeter that we can use with our smartphone

Vion is currently seeking funding at Kickstarter, where he is enjoying considerable success. If we focus on its features, we find an intelligent multimeter that we can use with our smartphone thanks to the application provided and Bluetooth connectivity. In general, its operation is very simple, since it has automatic detection and sending of data in real time to the app.

Since the multimeter does not have a display, its creators have designed it to say aloud each of the measurements in case we do not want or can consult the screen of our smartphone. Also, next to the result of the analysis will be displayed an indicator that will allow us to know if the device we measure is working correctly.

At this point, we cannot deny the interest generated by Vion, which has managed to raise more than $50,000 of the $10,000 needed to finance it. Regarding price, the smart multimeter will sell for $50 starting in the summer. Then, we’ll leave you with the presentation video:

Link: Kickstarter.