Turing? GeForce GTX 1100 or 2000 series, Nvidia plays with players’ nerves?

A little message from Nvidia on Tweeter could refer to its upcoming GeForce GTX 1100 or 2000 series. Is that a sign? Maybe, but nothing confirms it. The firm simply wishes Alan Turing a happy birthday.

Nvidia’s upcoming GeForce GTX is a hot topic. The speculations are numerous so that the slightest gesture of the giant is analyzed. The latest one is a Tweet.

GeForce GTX, Nvidia refers to Alan Turing

Nvidia wished Alan Turing a happy birthday. The message is interesting because “Turing” is one of the possible code names for its next-generation graphics card. A lot of people think there’s not much doubt left. The use of “Turing” would not be a revolution but logical knowing that Nvidia used “Pascal”, “Fermi” and “Kepler”.

The quote used is also interesting “We don’t know where we are going, but at least we still have a lot to do.

The message stops there and no reference to GeForce is made by Nvidia. In their regard, the launch date would have been postponed because of a concern of stocks concerning the current generation. With the collapse of demand in the mining market, Nvidia would have large quantities of GPUs in its hands.

The situation would be difficult in order to prepare the ground.