The Last of Us 2 release date and Death Stranding Launch Trailer will be announced in November

According to current rumors, a conference with “The Last of Us: Part II” will be held in early November. For quite some time there have been rumors and speculations about the release date of The Last of Us 2. In-house information has emerged from PlayStation Studios, which talks about a “State of Play” stream in November of this year. Another PlayStation rumor! A new leak just reported by 4chan (via NeoGAF) seems to contain some potentially significant details about The Last of Us 2 and its announcement of the release date.

Apparently, Sony will release a new State of Play stream in November of this year that includes some important updates for two of its biggest exclusive releases.

Rumor: The Last of Us 2 release date will be announced in November

The stream will show a trailer for the Death Stranding that will be released on November 8th (so the stream will take place before its release). This will be followed by an update for EA’s next Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. But the main attraction of the exhibition will apparently be Naughty Dog’s long-awaited The Last of Us 2, which will also receive a trailer that will supposedly announce the game’s release date. So, soon it will be confirmed that the long-awaited title will finally be released in May 2020.

When is the release date!

The leak also specifically mentions that Tsushima’s Ghost will not be part of this stream and is scheduled for another event in 2020. The development of the Open World title is said to be progressing well, but it suffered some delays as Sucker Punch tried to update textures and frame rates while optimizing the game for the next generation of hardware.

Three box-office hits become the theme

4chan hasn’t always been the most reliable source in the past, and it wasn’t the first time we heard rumors about the release date of The Last of Us 2, which was announced in a State of Play that didn’t happen. The timing, however, would fit. A trailer for the release of Death Stranding and a trailer for Fallen Order before its own release in November make sense, and it is also obvious that Sony would then try to change its marketing. Especially for Death Stranding, one of the latest big PS4 exclusive titles.

There will also be a new trailer, which will also include the release date. The filtered letters show in May 2020.