The Google Assistant will tell you the good news of the day

Google is testing an experimental feature in its Assistant that promises a summary of the good news.

The Google team wants people to receive a dose of positive news every day, cut through the avalanche of bad news and not fall into a loop of pessimism. The dynamic is simple, the user just has to say, Hey Google, tell me something good, and the Assistant will deliver the good news for the day.

These news are selected by the Solutions Journalism Network, a non-profit organization focused on promoting solution journalism by telling stories that go beyond raising a problem and focus on solutions.

The news shared by this new experimental function will be those that show how people or institutions solve certain social problems.

Tell Me Something Good is your daily dose of good news directly from your Google Assistant. Receive 2-3 sets of newsletters about the people working to solve problems in our communities and our world.

At the moment, this initiative is only available to US users who have any device with Google Assistant support.