Tesla cars stops automatically recognize traffic lights and stops signs

For quite some time, Tesla has been developing an autopilot to detect traffic signs and stop signs, and now this feature is finally ready for public use. It is reported that the car manufacturer has added traffic light and stop sign recognition to its autopilot technology in the latest software update 2020.12.6.

In March, a preliminary version of this feature was made available to early access users and is now in the possession of a wider circle of car owners in the United States. An update note states that the innovation, which is still in beta, will enable Tesla cars to recognize traffic lights even when they are turned off and automatically slow down at intersections.

Drivers will be alerted when the car slows down and the car will stop in front of the stop line, which the system will automatically detect through signals and markings and display on the internal screen.

The person behind the steering wheel must then press the transmission button or the accelerator pedal to confirm that it is safe to continue driving.

As long as this feature is available to drivers in the US, Tesla will have to modify it to work with road markings in other countries. Tesla car owners outside the USA will have to be patient until this feature appears in their regions.