Open Titan: Google and partners work on open security chip

Open Titan Google and partners work on open security chip

lowRISC C.I.C., the open-source silicon, and tool technology partner, announced today that it is working with ETH Zurich, Google, G+D Mobile Security, Nuvoton Technology and Western Digital on OpenTitan. These are benchmark design and integration guidelines for open source hardware (RoT) trusted anchors that enable chip manufacturers and platform providers to create high-quality hardware RoT … Read more

Google optimizes news headlines carousel search with AI

For more information about particular topics on Google, you may receive headlines in the future that match the terms you’re looking for. This is made possible by the use of automatic learning. For years, Google search has no longer been limited to listing matching websites for a search term. The Mountain View service is increasingly … Read more

Google is planning to set up an exclusive game production studio for Stadia

The US search giant promises to release many new, exclusive titles every year for its brand new streaming games platform. Previously, when Microsoft was criticized for not offering attractive exclusive titles for the Xbox platform, it decided to “play big” by buying a number of big game developers to produce games for the platform. Now … Read more