Smartibot, to develop robots on anything with artificial intelligence

If you want to get started in the world of robotics, Smartibot is an interesting solution based on a kit of electronic components and a complementary application with Artificial Intelligence capabilities for mobile devices to enable simple developments from cardboard robots to provide robotic capabilities to that element or device you have at home.

From the collective financing campaign that the Smartibot team has in Kickstarter, interesting examples are presented, ranging from different cardboard robots to the robotization of a potato, yes, of a conventional potato, of a remote-controlled toy car, and even of a silophone.

The robots can be managed remotely via the telephones, although there is also the possibility of integrating the telephones into the set of elements that make up the robots themselves as their “brains”.

In addition, Smartibot offers the flexibility to give robots extra capabilities and functions. In this sense, it allows from the implementation of other electronic components, currently there is a module with sensors and another module with a display based on a matrix of LEDs, to the possibility of adding functions from the application without the need for programming, although the Smartibot team is also working to enable those who wish to, can program other functions for their robots.

The campaign for Smartibot is still active for another 30 days, with the £10,000 target already exceeded, meaning that sponsors will receive their rewards, with the shipping date set for next December with shipments to anywhere in the world.

While there are already a couple of sold-out rewards, there are still rewards available to new sponsors.