SEO Writing Texts – The Best Tips for Top Rankings in Google

We have the best guide for SEO Writing Texts – The Best Tips for Top Rankings in Google. In order to be found on the Internet by potential customers with your website, you have to occupy the highest possible position in the ranking of the most important search engines such as Google. SEO optimization of your homepage and SEO texts, i.e. texts that have been optimized for search engines, help to do this on the one hand. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and means that a website or text has optimal conditions for being at the top of the ranking.

SEO Writing Texts – The Best Tips for Top Rankings in Google

However, you can achieve such an optimization not only with a certain minimum number of words but also with the help of other text properties. In the following sections, we will show you how you can easily create your own SEO text.

The text should be “unique” and “compelling

If you want to create a text that is highly rated by Google and other search engines, it doesn’t primarily matter that it contains a certain number of words. Above all the uniqueness and quality is of great importance.

Unique content

The experts understand this to mean a text that does not come in part or in its entirety from other sources but has been written entirely by yourself. Search engines are able to check texts for uniqueness and usually find out quickly whether your text is really “unique”. If the text already exists on the Internet, the search engines classify your text as “double content” and assign it a very bad ranking. It is, therefore, best either to write texts for your website yourself or to have them written by a professional copywriter. This may cost you some money, but you will receive a well-written, uncopied text.

compiling content

Even if you wrote a text yourself, this is no guarantee that search engines will put it in a leading position in the ranking. A text needs more. It should not only be “unique”, but also “compelling” – irresistible, exciting and tempting. Google and other search engines reward texts with these properties through a high ranking. They want to promote high-quality texts and ensure that searchers are not constantly confronted with boring and uninformative websites or texts. If you do not feel able to write such texts yourself, you can also rely on professionals, e.g. experienced copywriters.

Using keywords correctly

There are countless articles on the Internet that dribble with keywords. Some website operators and copywriters seem to follow the motto “a lot helps a lot” when creating texts. In order to use the right keywords for a text, you should first carry out research and analysis, for example with the SISTRIX Toolbox, the Abakus Internet Marketing tool or with the help of Google Analytics. They can give you an overview of the keywords that match your product.

When using the relevant keywords, it is important that you use them in the optimal keyword density. For this you should calculate the so-called keyword density, i.e. the ideal word frequency. Finding them is not that easy. Experts indicate the optimal keyword density with values between two and seven percent, whereby they refer to the total number of words. In a text with 500 words, for example on the subject of “flea collar”, the keyword should appear between 10 and 35 times. All figures in circulation cannot claim to be absolutely correct but serve as an orientation aid.

Another aspect when using keywords is their placement in the text. Here, too, Google makes differences and bases its ranking primarily on the following criteria:

  • Keywords in main and subheadings (high value)
  • Keywords in image names (lower weighting)
  • Placement in the lower half of the text (low value)
  • Keywords in the upper half of the text (high weighting)

The term WDF* IDF also plays an important role in this context. With the Within Document Frequency (WDF) and the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF), the search engines have further developed their evaluation standards. With the help of WDF*IDF, search engines are now also giving greater importance to rare keywords, especially when they are central words. They are put in relation to other keywords or to the frequency of all words.

Headline and signature as A and O in SEO text

Hardly anything has as much influence on the ranking on search engines as the title (headline) of a text. The headline and a suitable signature are nothing less than the signboard or business card of your text. The search engines convert the headline into a clickable link that takes you directly to your website. The signature is directly under the link. But someone who is looking for something and is shown your result will only click on the link displayed if what he reads really inspires and convinces him. A boring, uninformative title will usually be skipped and scrolled on. So formulate short, concise and meaningful titles and signatures that offer the reader added value. It’ll probably end up on your website.

Information is trumps

Above all, Google and Co. want to offer their customers added value. Therefore your SEO text should contain as much and above all current information as possible. Nothing invites you to click away from more than old, uninteresting articles. The length of your text plays a certain role here. Experts advise a minimum of 300 words. However, there is no ideal text length. If you are smart, check the Google results page for your main keyword to see how long the text is in the first position. If you find one with 700 words, this can be at least an indication that your text should also contain at least this number of words.


Synonyms and related topics

When writing a post, it makes sense to use synonyms for the main keywords. This way you can drag people to your website who are looking for something using such synonyms and have not found out how to become active in the search engines using the main keywords you use. Using semantically related subject areas in the text can also help to win customers. If you take as an example a text devoted to the topic of “sawing”, the word “tool” should also be included, for example. It is, so to speak, the generic term under which saws can be classified. For example, a searcher may also see your page when entering the term “tool”.

Setting links in the text

If you want to offer the search engines and also your visitors another incentive to get to know your website better or to rate it higher, then set links to your own subpages in your texts. For visitors, this is a service that allows them to get even more information on related topics on your website. Internal links are also rewarded by the search engines with a higher ranking.

Visual enhancement of a text

An infinitely long continuous text may contain a lot and also important information, but it is more difficult to read and seems boring. Therefore, make sure that your texts are visually enhanced and thus made more interesting. Aids could be here, for example:

  1. Paragraphs with subheadings
  2. Pictures to the topic
  3. Graphics for statistical underpinning
  4. Videos as operating instructions
  5. Anchor points (bold words, listings)

With such relatively simple means, you can make your text more entertaining and offer the reader additional added value through cleverly selected images or videos.



As you can see, there is a whole series of things you can do to turn an already interesting text into an SEO text. Finally, with a little time and practice, you can make sure that your website is filled with high-quality articles, so that the search engines place them as high up in their ranking as possible. If you don’t want to do this work yourself, professional SEO copywriters are available to create high-quality articles for a fee.