Seagate introduces its Mach.2 technology that will take HDDs at speeds similar to SSD SAT

Seagate today surprised with the announcement of its new MACH.2 technology. That is a new concept for mechanical hard drives that introduces the second actuator to double the speeds achieved so far. The HDD MACH.2 prototype is capable of sequential read and writes speeds of up to 480MB/s, far exceeding the usual 235MB/s of modern drives.

Seagate introduces its Mach.2 technology that will take HDDs at speeds similar to SSD SAT

MACH.2 achieves this impressive performance with parallel write and read operation as if it were two independent hard disks in RAID 0. So IOPS have also doubled thanks to this new system and opens the door to a future for HDDs with multi-actuators. Thus ending with one of the weak points of mechanical options.

On the other hand, Seagate has announced that its HAMR technology. Which we mentioned earlier, has passed laboratory reliability tests with flying colors. So, achieving 3.2 Petabytes of single-headed transfers, 20 times the industry standard.

In the future, we will see HAMR drives that will also use MACH.2. That will achieve drives with much higher capacities than 10TB with speeds. That leaves SSD SATA in a somewhat awkward position for the future server storage professional.