Seagate 5U84, high density storage system for companies

Seagate today announced the launch of its new storage system Seagate 5U84. That comes with its operating system that provides a large storage capacity along with the best reliability. That is essential in the business sector.

Seagate 5U84 solves the problem of storage space

Seagate 5U84 will allow companies to store large amounts of data in a high availability rack. That provides high-speed access to data. Also, the Seagate operating system dramatically improves the performance and reliability of the system. So, increasing confidence in the use of high-density racks.

Given the importance of creating layers of protection when it comes to data storage. So, Seagate’s advanced distributed autonomous protection (ADAPT) technology. That is used that can eliminate up to 95% of performance degradation during the rebuilding of a disk drive compared with traditional RAID solutions. Also, the new technology disperses data in several units. So, allocating more resources to rebuild, reducing the time needed and minimizing the risk of a problem of lack of data availability.


A recent study showed that the global data sphere by 2025 could grow to 163 zettabytes. So companies are looking for a way to solve their capacity needs without having to sacrifice space. That is precisely what Seagate 5U84 offers. Also, that is a space-aware storage model that contains up to 1.0 Petabytes of unprocessed storage capacity in a single chassis. Hosting 84 bays of units allows storing a significant amount of data in a minimal space.

    “Increasingly, our customers are focused on maximizing uptime and minimizing the cost of service. Traditional data protection approaches in a high-density cabinet often result in unmanageable rebuild times in case of device failure.

And with this new version of the operating system. And we are allowing customers to use high density boxes with high capacity units with more confidence since we have drastically reduced the required reconstruction window.

Also, with this next-generation operating system, enterprises have multi-core functionality.